Saturday, October 27, 2007

No updates again!

Well yesterday was our day to receive updates from the atorney. We received nothing again. So it has now been 5 weeks with no movement at all... I had really believed that these attorneies would try to rush us through,but maybe not ours.. It is going to be another long week of waiting... hopefully the phone call to the FM will go better on Sunday.. There is also pictures next week to look forward to...


Steph said...

Waiting is soooo hard. Every attorney has his own process so I am sure he is working on it. We waited awhile, too, and then all of a sudden things started happening.

Bobbi said...

The wait for everything is the worst. Hang tough, hopefully things will start moving along.

It is a long haul, but worth it in the end.

Beth said...

I never knew the true meaning of waiting before this journey... you are not alone. It is strange to say, but there are periods of time when it gets easier. Hang in there. Looking forward to new pics coming for you!