Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Legacy of an adopted child

Once there were two women who never knew each other

One you do not remember, the other you call Mother

Two different lives shaped to make you one
One became your guiding star, the other became your sun

The first one gave you life, and the second taught you to live it
The first gave you a need for love, the second was there to give it

One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name
One gave you a talent, the other gave you aim

One gave you emotions, the other calmed your fears
One saw your first sweet smile, the other dried you tears

One made an adoption plan, that was all that she could do
The other prayed for a child, and God led her straight to you.

Now, which of these two women, Are you the product of?
Both, my darling, Both, Just two different types of love.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just pics and updates

Not to much going on around here. We have finally gotten things in order to have Jazlynn Baptized. We were able to combine that with her birthday so people from out of town only have to come once.. We are very happy about that. Just gonna post some pictures.. Hope you enjoy them.

It has gotten hot here in the upstairs so we had to bring Randi Jo's Guinea pig downstairs. Jazlynn has discovered her and loves to stand and talk to her. so cute.
Finally she will take a bath without screaming. She loves it now.
This is one of Daddy's favorite pictures.. With her little pigtails.
Just being gorgeous.. Can you tell how easily it comes to her.
I took this picture the day she turned 11 months. She is getting so big.
This is Diego. He is the new puppy we bought in March. Little did we know how big he was going to get. He is only 7 months old here in this picture. he is gonna be a monster. The kids named him for the cartoon.. I think it is fitting though since he will be Jazlynn's dog.

I almost always rock Jazlynn to sleep at night.. But sometimes during nap or while I am off she will fall asleep on the floor.. I love taking pics of her sleeping.. Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby.
Rough Day!
She is the best.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

One Amazing little boy!!!

I was cruising the web the other day and ran into this blog.. What an amazing little boy he is.. I am going to spend the week working with my daycare and my own children and we are going to send him some mail.. Take a min and read up on his blog. There is an address at the top where you can send him a card.. If you have time take a min and mail him a letter to help keep his spirits up. He will need it over the next few months I am sure..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Zoo Trip

My friend,Paula,Randi Jo and Myself was able to take Jazlynn to the zoo on Saturday. I was worried she may be to young to enjoy it.. I had nothing to worry about. She had a blast.. She only fussed one time.. That was when Randi took her away from the fish tank. With Randi Jo being gone so much of the time it was really good to see her have the time to bond with her also.

Randi Jo and Jazlynn on the carousel. As you can see Jazlynn loved this..
Jazlynn didn't like the feel of the hedgehog.. But she also touched a snake and lizard those she liked.

I thought she would be afraid of this frog.. But she wasn't.. she is so laid back and calm..he didn't even phase her.

First thing she did when Randi Jo put her down was grab the goats ear.
Second thing... was try to climb on it's back just like she does to her puppy Hailey at home. No fear

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Thought I would post the pictures I had taken of her.. They are all so amazing. She is just such a beautiful girl. We are all just so thankful for being given the chance to raise her. Enjoy them..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WOW! What a month!

Well I know it has been a long time again.. SO much has happened in the last month. To start Joe's Aunt very unexpectly passed away. It really took a toll on his family. They had no more than recouped from that, and started to get back to some kind of normal when his 16 year old brother had a very serious car accident. To make a long story short.. He will be okay,but will probably need the rest of the summer to get back to himself again. He is a very very lucky boy to even be alive.

Now to Jazlynn. She is doing amazing. I still can not believe she has adjusted so well... I waited and waited for the withdrawls from her foster parents. It just has not come.. We still cam with them every Saturday evening and she loves seeing them, but she doesn't cry or fuss... Such a good girl.

The 4th of July was great. she wouldn't even blink during the fireworks. she loved every min of them. I remember when Justin and Randi Jo were little they screamed through them.
She isn't growing to much she has gained 6 ounces since she came home and is the same length. She is totally healthy though so she can stay little as long as she wants.
She has stolen the kids hearts. Whenever she hears Justins voice she is on a mission to find him.

So now I will get on with some pictures.

She is always happy just like this picture. unless she is tired.
This is her just simply "perfect" picture.
She has learned to pull herself up on things.. walk around things and even climb the stairs. and I will try my hardest to get a video of the dog helping her onto the couch.
Playing outside at Grandma and Grandpas on Mommy and Daddy's anniversary.
With Justin outside at her water table. Daddy did her hair this day. Isn't it cute?
First horseback ride at Grandma and Grandpas. She loves animals of any kind. The size of the horse didn't bother her at all.
She LOVES her water table..
This is her serious look.. She is just precious...
Well hopefully I haven't lost all my readers.. I will post the professional pictures we had taken of her soon. and Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will be able to catch up on my blog reading.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Okay.. I know it has been FOREVER since I updated the blog.. I have been informed that I must continue to keep it up.. So I will try to bring you all back up to date.

We left Guatemala on the 6th of June. Saying good-bye was horrible, as we all knew it would be. We are going to try to go back around Christmas time. At least Randi Jo and I are going to.

Since we have been home Jazlynn has adjusted amazingly. We still can not believe how well things have gone. She is still on the same sleep schedule,she is eating well and I do think she is getting tired of all the different people holding her and making over her. She has gotten to the point where she looks for me and whimpers whenever they are holding her. Considering the amount of people who have been here that is only to be expected..

I will try to do better at updating.. but for now here are some pictures . They are in no particular order as I can not figure this upload thing out.

This is Jaz at home. her favorite thing to do is dump the toys and sit in the middle of them all. This was Daddy's first day doing her hair. Isn't it cute?
She is just being cute here.. It really isn't a hard thing for her.

At the hotel in Guatemala.
Jaz loves these puffs. It didn't take her long to figure out how to open them.

Jaz sitting with Bandar. She loves him. It was fairly easy for her to wrap him around her finger.

This is my favorite dress of hers.. Aunt Beckah bought it for her. She was getting ready for the Dr. The Dr said she is doing great. She is right exactly where she needs to be. There are still some concerns about her eye. We have known this since she was 2 months old. so it was no big shock.. The Dr is also concerned about her head size. It is way to small. She is sure it is because of the shapeing of it. But we will wait until she is a year old for both issues to see if they correct themselves if they haven't by then she will have to see a specialist. These are both minor things we are not to worried about yet.

Here is Jazlynn at the airport with her cousins,Sammy and Preston. I wish we had gotten a picture of her outfit. Randi Jo bought it for her. It said "Are these people really my relatives?" Too cute..

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I just took this video and just had to share it.. Hope you all enjoy it. Can't wait to get her home so you can all see her.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Antigua and Embassy Day!

Well I really don't even know where to start. It has been a very busy last few days. On Sunday we all went to Antigua. Jose,Adriana,Maria Jose and Grandma and of course our whole family.

We had a wonderful time. Lots of fun.. Even Justin who didn't even want to come to Guatemala loved it. He is still lots shyer than Randi Jo but he had fun. Randi Jo ,of course, has adopted everyone she has seen.. We have the international Futbol teams staying here at the hotel. I think there is around 10 different teams here. Well the USA team invited her to come watch them play Wed. or Thurs. I haven't decided weather we are going or not...

We spent yesterday after the embassy appt at the mall.. Seems it is coler here than I had planned on. I did not bring enough long pants for Jazlynn and all the shoes I brought are to small so we had to make some purchases. But we are all taken care of now.

Tomorrow Erick and his friend Diego are going to the zoo with us. (maybe Maria Jose as well) then tomorrow evening we are going to supper with Adriana and Jose. So another busy day planned.

I am posting three days of pictures. So sorry there are so many but I think they are well worth the wait..

For those who have been waiting to see.. This is the quilt I made for Adriana. It is the first one I have ever made,so it didn't turn out perfect but it was ok.

This is the kids with Estuardo from the marriott, He is the best! He has been more than helpful for everyone of my stays. Very knowledgeable. Speaks very good english. He was wonderful with the kids.

Getting ready for Embassy Day! If I look American they'll have to let me in!
Aren't I just the cutest thing ever? Lovin that smile.
Standing against my Daddy!

Jose,Justin,Randi Jo and Maria Jose in Antigua
Justin was in Heaven exploring all of the ruins. If he could climb it or crawl in it he was happy.

Jazlynn on top of the hill overlooking Antigua.

Jazlynn first thing in the morning. WOW this hair has issues.

Jose at the Jade Factory
Adriana and Joe being goofy. The little boy beside them was precious. He was shining shoes and saw the pictures being taken so he wanted in them. we have lots of pictures of him. So adorable.. I wanted to bring him along.
Grandma getting a face massage at the Macadamian plantation (something like that). All of us girls got them. it was cool

Jose showing Randi Jo how it is done.
Maria Jose and Randi Jo. We all had a laugh at their expense. Maria Jose doesn't speak english and Randi Jo doesn;t speak Spanish,but they didn't shut up all day. No one would have ever known. They had a great day.

They are both beautiful girls..