Thursday, March 6, 2008

I am here!!!! Finally!!!

Well after a 24 hour nightmare to get here.. I am finally here. We had horrible weather in my town and then even worse weather in Detroit. The 2 hour drive to the airport took me 5 hours.. I then got stuck, in the snow, in the parking lot, missed my first flight. Was put on a second flight two hours later only to have the plane get stuck, in the snow. We were then delayed two hours ,had to be de-iced and just as we were headed to the runway we had a medical emergency on board. so.. needless to say I missed my connecting flight in Texas. They could not get me out until 7 pm.. That flight was then delayed 1 and a half hours because someone loaded the wrong luggage.. So exactly 24 hours after I left home at midnight I arrived at my hotel. Adriana brought me Jazlynn at 9:30 this morning. and as you may have guessed.. She is perfect. The happiest baby. It just amazes me. She may have only gained one pound since I was here last but MAN has she grown. So without further delay here she is...

She has the most beautiful eyes..

And this smile speaks for its self.. She is so happy to see Mommy..

And you know after my whole ordeal getting here.. Can you guess what the first thing is Joe says to me when I call home... You guessed it... WE HAVE PA...... Our file is now completely ready for PGN... YES.. BRING IT ON!!! We are so ready.


Guatemama said...

WOW What an ORDEAL To get to your sweet smiling girl. I am so glad you made it. Jazlynn is ADORABLE!!

WAHOOOOOOOO! Congrats on getting PA!! Hope your stay in PGN is short..

Enjoy your visit. :)

Donna said...

WOW! So sorry about your ordeal! What a MESS!

She is amazing, she's so precious. Visit trips always bring good news and movement! Congrats on your PA!

Melissa said...

OMG I would have gone crazy,I am glad you made it safe! I am very Happy and Excited for you guys. You guys are the best people! I am so glad I had you for Casey! She will be VERY WELL taken care off by you both and the kids who love to spoil kids!! lol

Gretchen said...

Yea PA!! Wonderful news!

Enjoy your time in Guatemala. This time will hopefully be your last visit before you bring her home forever!!! She is so beautiful! I love her eyes!

Gail said...

What a trip but well worth it. Jazlyn is beautiful!!
Oh, congratulations on PA

Nicole said...

Glad you finally arrived!

Congratulations on PA!!

Bobbi said...

I have been stalking to see pictures!! So adorable. The smile and those eyes!!!

What a nightmare getting there. Glad you finally arrived. Youmust be exhausted.

PA??!??! YEAH!! Let's hope PGN is quick and easy!!

Enjoy your stay.

Pam L said...

I've been checking over and over to see if you had posted that you were there. I'm so glad that you finally made it (even if the road was quite bumpy). Jazlyn looks just beautiful and I'm so happy that you have PA! PGN here you come!!!!!

Julie said...

What a horrendous experience, but what a wonderful little girl waiting for you. I'm so excited too for getting PA. Here's hoping for a short visit in PGN! Have a wonderful time on your visit.

The gFamily said...

YAY for PA!! Now come on PGN!! I hope you are in soon and out VERY quickly

It was so fun to meet you and Jazlyn! Thank you so much for all of your generosity! You gave without a second thought! I couldn't have felt more blessed or humbled! THANK YOU!!

Steph said...

WOOHOO!!!! I knew you were going to get it soon!!!!

What a nightmare getting to Guat. Oh, and the weather has just gotten worse!!

Jazzy is GORGEOUS!!!!

Donna said...

Where are you now!?! Is everything okay? Miss you!