Thursday, December 13, 2007

POA is Registered...

Ellie emailed me today that our POA has been registered. YES!! That means that the two things they figure must be done to be grandfathered in were done. We should have no problems after the first of the year. Lets hope that is the case. Now if we can just start moving along in the process.. So come on Family Court,GET US IN!


Guatemama said...

Great news! Congratulations!!!!

Emily said...

YAY!! I'm so happy for you. BTW...the pics of Jazlynn are SOO cute- she's adorable. :-)


Steph said...

Woohoo!! What a huge relief!! Hopefully things will start to move fast!!

Bobbi said...

GREAT!!! That is a relief for you

Beth said...

That is great! You must be relieved to have that worry gone. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

She is awesome - make sure you call us when you get her home!

Aileen said...

Great news! Hope you are in Family Court as soon as that first group of vacationing social workers comes back!
Ariana's mommy