Friday, December 28, 2007

We are here!!!

We are here. and to say Jazlynn is perfect is an absolute understatement. She smiles constantly.
When she woke up this morning she was almost laughing. She stayed on her schedule that Adriana said she had to a T. She slept up until 4:30 and then took a bottle and slept again until 8.
She definitely has taken to her Daddy. She laughs everytime she sees him. He of course thinks this means she will be a Daddy's Girl, I, on the other hand, know it is because he is so funny looking...Ha,ha.. We will post more pics tonight. right now we are off to bathe her and then to breakfast. I can be reached by email at That because I forgot to tell everyone I can't get to my regular email from here.

Jazlynn when we first got back to room... She was soooo tired. she fell asleep within 10 mins.
Jazlynn and Daddy watching television last evening in the room.. She loves to sit up and watch everything.

After her bath. in her ducky towel from Randi Jo..She is always so cold. Her feet and legs always feel cold to me.

This is our "wonderful" foster family. They all came to drop-off except for Erick. They are all so nice. And it is more than obvious that Jazlynn is well taken care off. She is so so happy and content.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Oh she's beautiful! Have a great time with her! Can't wait to see more pictures!