Friday, November 2, 2007

Fav Foto Friday

Okay I decided I am going to try this also.. but It will not always be pics of Jazlynn because I haven't seen her yet and I have posted all the pics I have...But I love these pics here.. Our dog truely loves two things in life... snow and big piles of leaves.. well the other day she was barking her head off at the door running through the house carrying on.. I looked outside.. and sure enough Justin was raking leaves for the kids to jump in.. so I let her out and here are the results...
If only life were this simple... remember when this is all it took to make our day...

This is truely as close to heaven as it gets for Bailey..... Hope you all enjoyed...


Steph said...

Too funny! Our dog also goes crazy with snow. It is quite a sight. I love it because it is pure joy for our furry one!

Unknown said...

Bailey you are too funny and we miss you